29 December 2011

In the Coming Year

A couple of months ago, my Mum proposed the idea that she and I should do the half marathon - See Jane Run.

When Mum mentioned it, I had just under a year to train, which seemed entirely doable.  I said Yes, and began training, sorta..... I have only really begun running the past couple of weeks.  Already I have seen such improvements so as to completely excite me and keep me pressing onward.  I have decided to further challenge myself.

I have been wanting to do the Danskin Women's Triathlon for almost 6 years. I had even signed up for it one year, but found out I was pregnant with my daughter, and decided it was not the right time for me to do it.  I *will* do it in 2012 though!

This race is my favorite.  I do it every year.  I love the obstacles, the team aspect, the free beer, etc. Really, who knew a race could be so much fun!!

This is one a friend posted today.  She was asking for folks to join her in training... Looks fun; I just might.

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